I obtained a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Lanzhou University in 2023, under the guidance of Associate Professor Xin Liu (刘新).

I ventured into the field of security halfway through. Moreover, I am also intrigued by system research, especially the kernel and related areas.

The experience gained from my recent Linux kernel trimming project sparked my curiosity about Linux kernel.

My research interest includes kernel, cyber security, as well as performance analysis and tuning.

📝 Publications

Linux Security Summit

Safer Seccomp: Dead Syscalls Elimination

Yuan Tan, Zhangjin Wu, Xiao Liu

  • Contributed kernel patches to Linux. Discovered excitement and passion around kernels.
  • Utilized compiler directives to establish reference relationships for all orphaned sections.
  • The excessive use of ‘KEEP()’ in the Linux kernel can be eliminated using the above method.
  • Made the elimination of unused system calls possible through the construction of references between segments.
  • Reduced the size of the kernel image by 7%.
  • Reduced the attack surface that prevents attackers from exploiting trimmed syscalls.
  • The early version has received positive feedback from the maintainer.
Black Hat USA 2022

Human or Not: Can You Really Detect the Fake Voices?

Xin Liu, Yuan Tan, Rui Chong, Xiaokang Zhou

Co-first Author

  • Introduced SiF-DeepVC, an innovative voice clone attack framework.
  • Enhanced AI-synthesized speech to appear more “human” by merging real voice features with synthetic ones.
  • Rendered all existing methods for synthetic speech detection ineffective.
  • The first to underscore the formidable challenge of detecting AI-synthesized speech.
  • Was responsible for implementing the attack framework, reproducing existing detectors, and evaluating them.
ACL 2023

Not The End of Story: An Evaluation of ChatGPT-Driven Vulnerability Description Mappings

Xin Liu, Yuan Tan, Zhenghang Xiao, Jianwei Zhuge, Rui Zhou

  • Initiated a series of experiments that assessed ChatGPT’s performance across diverse cybersecurity domains.
  • Provided evidence that ChatGPT could not accurately classify CVEs.

Hidden-in-Wave: A Novel Idea to Camouflage AI-Synthesized Voices Based on Speaker-Irrelative Features

Xin Liu, Yuan Tan, Xuan Hai, Qingchen Yu, Qingguo Zhou

Co-first Author

  • Invalidated all existing methods for synthetic voice detection.

🔨 Projects


Design and Tape-out a RISC-V CPU

Zecheng Liang, Zhe Sun, Yihua Lu, Ren Wei, Yuan Tan, Xun Li, Lingzhuang Zhang, Yang Yu

  • Handled an instruction decoder as part of a project seeking to design and tape-out a RISC-V CPU.
  • Gained an understanding of how the CPU works and heightened interest in RISC-V and system research.

Optimize and Maintain Open Source Mirror Site of Lanzhou University

Yuan Tan

  • Took primary responsibility for maintaining the mirror, the most utilized repository in the northwest of China.
  • Facilitated traffic defense against malicious attackers who excessively downloaded files, abusing the service.

📝 Blog

Articles in English

Articles in Chinese

📖 Educations

  • 2018.09 - 2023.07, Undergraduate, School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou Univeristy. Average score 84/100, ranking top 10%.
  • 2020.01, Academic Visit, National University of Singapore. Perspective course on Artificial Intelligence.

💻 Internships

  • 2023.07 - 2023.09, Tinylab, a community that has merged 300+ patches into the kernel.